Top 3 things men do wrong in a relationship

Top 3 things men do wrong in a relationship

Just when everything seems great in a relationship, something often happens to turn things around. While we can't entirely blame men for a relationship that's going to pot, we can have fun pointing a finger or two!

Popular Diets – Do they Work?

Popular Diets – Do they Work?

A year-long US study that compared the results of four popular diets with overweight pre-menopausal women revealed a clear "winner", but didn't really inspire confidence in terms of actual number of pounds lost.

Combating Cellulite

Combating Cellulite

At least 90% of women have cellulite in their lives, and it can be a stubborn and persistent problem. Is there a cure?

The Mediterranean Diet

The Mediterranean Diet

One of the secrets to the heart-healthy and popular Mediterranean Diet is the use of olive oil in cooking and over salads.

Nature’s Best Kept Secret: Plain Olive Oil Solves Your Common Beauty Woes

Nature’s Best Kept Secret: Plain Olive Oil Solves Your Common Beauty Woes

22 December 2008

You probably already know that reasonable amounts of olive oil in your diet can be very beneficial to your health. Olive oil is an excellent source of mono-unsaturated (“good”) fat, as well as a delicious

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The Joy of Seeds – Healthy Snacking

The Joy of Seeds – Healthy Snacking

05 December 2008

Resisting the urge to snack – or at least on something unhealthy – is one of the difficulties many dieters face. Finding alternative, healthy snacks is usually high on the list of priorities. One option that certainly fits the bill, and are becoming increasingly popular, are small and unassuming seeds.

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What Makes a Man Sexy?

What Makes a Man Sexy?

30 November 2008

In our image obsessed modern culture we are bombarded by ideas of what a sexy man ought to look like. In adverts, film, television, magazines, even music, we are shown the cultural stereotype of a sexy man, and woe betide those of us who fail to measure up to this standard. Modern western society seems obsessed with the body, with the aesthetics of a person, with looks above all else. One need only open a newspaper or...

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Natural Skin Care – Astringents and Toners

Natural Skin Care – Astringents and Toners

13 October 2008

Avoid over the counter astringents with alcohol content–they’re drying. Some of the best skin care methods are homemade and natural. And, it makes sense! It’s really quite logical to assume that items available in nature, when carefully selected, will yield the most natural results. Two of the simplest and most effective methods of cleaning and […]

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Touching Up Your Pictures

Touching Up Your Pictures

10 October 2008

We see it all the time–pictures of celebrities that virtually glow. “Photoshopping” pictures has become a buzz phrase these days, and if you want to get in on the action, offers a fabulous tutorial on how to “photoshop” pictures like a pro. Besides the more obvious beauty-enhancing photo techniques, such as whitening teeth and […]

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Natural Remedy for Dull Hair

Natural Remedy for Dull Hair

08 October 2008

Every now and then, it’s good for your hair to get rid of excess build-up of residue. While there are many anti-residue shampoos available, they’re often expensive. Baking Soda Magic There’s something in your kitchen that you can use to restore shine and rid your hair and scalp of excess residue: baking soda. Blending a […]

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Photoshopping Pictures

Added on 10 October 2008

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EVO Women is an ezine created by and for women. Here you'll find unique and vibrant features about food, relationships, sex, the mind, the body, and more.
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